

Why We Switched To Cloudspot

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We're professional photographers, Mr + Mrs and Mom + Dad. We like to share insights into our industry and empower other photographers to build their biz.



If there’s one thing we’ve learned over the years, it’s that one of the most valuable gifts you can give yourself as a business owner is being flexible and adaptable. Because sometimes we need to make shifts to improve our administration, productivity, client experience, you name it! Over the years, we’ve definitely put this into practice as we’ve made big and small changes in our business, and today, we want to unpack one of our most recent changes that has allowed us to elevate our client experience and streamline our workflow…Why We Switched To Cloudspot!

Cloudspot Logo

Deciding to Switch

If you’re like us (and if you’re reading this, you just might be!), you’ve probably used the same gallery system for years! Just like all things in business, sometimes the extra effort it takes to make a change can cause us to avoid it altogether. Especially when our current solution isn’t necessarily giving us problems. Although we didn’t have any major technical issues with the system we were using before, once we started to learn about all of the amazing features that Cloudspot had to offer, it became more and more clear that we could give ourselves a lot more options and functionality by switching our galleries to them.

So you may be wondering…there are a lot of gallery systems out there…why Cloudspot? Well, keep reading!

They Transitioned Our Galleries For Us

Once we knew Cloudspot was the gallery system for us – which didn’t take long once we learned about all of the amazing features! – we were faced with the dreaded question…what were we going to do with ALL of those previous galleries from over the years?! The thought of manually downloading and transitioning every gallery we had delivered over the past several years was completely overwhelming. Thankfully, Cloudspot came to our rescue! They were able to take all of our previous galleries and transition them over to our new account for us. We were SO thankful that they offered this service and it made taking the plunge so much easier for us!

Lots of Gallery Functionality

Another big reason why we switched to Cloudspot was their awesome gallery functionality! The robust setting options give us lots of flexibility in the experience our clients receive with their gallery delivery. This probably enticed us to switch more than any other aspect!

An example of this is that we are able to show or hide individual folders in each gallery to control exactly what each client sees. For us, this is a great way to control the timing of the full gallery becoming available to the client as it passes through multiple people on our team. Once our editor sends us a client’s final images, we upload them to the same gallery we used to send the client’s sneak peeks, but in a separate folder. We then “hide” that folder until our admin assistant is able to send the final delivery email to our client. This means that the client doesn’t see the final images until they get that happy email from us!

Gallery Settings

We also love that we can create presets for the different types of galleries we send so that all of the correct settings can be applied with one click. This saves us a ton of time with each upload and delivery.

Customization for Branded Galleries

We also love how customizable Cloudspot galleries are. From logos to watermarks to accent colors, everything can be tailored to your brand to give your clients an elevated and seamless experience. It almost feels like an extension of our website, and we absolutely love that!

Gallery Branding Features

Cloudspot Customer Service

Lastly, Cloudspot’s customer service has us over the moon! They are extremely responsive via chat and always willing to dig into any questions we have to make sure they find the solution.

Customer service chat box

How You Can Switch To Cloudspot

So maybe you’re sitting there saying:

“Okay, Erica + Jon…I’ve heard you loud and clear! I’m ready to see what Cloudspot is all about!” Well…you’re in luck!

If you’re ready to jump in and take advantage of ALL of the benefits that Cloudspot has to offer, use the link below to get 20% off your first year! Woohoo! Told ya this was awesome!

Cloudspot Homepage

We’re SO glad we made this transition, and we know you will be, too! Cheering you on, friends!

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