

COVID-19: What Your Brand Should Be Doing

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We're professional photographers, Mr + Mrs and Mom + Dad. We like to share insights into our industry and empower other photographers to build their biz.



We have been so blessed for the last decade to enjoy a healthy economy and prosperity that opened up opportunities for so many to begin an entrepreneurial journey of their own – including us! Entrepreneurship in America gained serious appeal, whereas it was anything but cool decades earlier when a lifetime devotion to a large corporation and a comfortable middle-class life was the epitome of the American Dream. Now, in the face of an extremely fragile global economy and a global enemy attacking every corner of the planet, some might be scratching their heads wondering if the allure of entrepreneurship was a foolish choice. 

I’ll be completely honest – more than once through the last couple of weeks I’ve thought about how much more comfortable we might be if I was still working for a large corporation and simply sent home to work virtually. But then again, is that any more stable than running your own business right now? After all, large corporations still have bills to pay and, in the face of uncertainty, won’t hesitate to cull their workforce. So at least I’m in a position of power to determine my own outcome and how we respond to this crisis as a company.

In that empowering spirit of being in control of ourselves, we’ve been talking a lot about what things will look like once COVID-19 is over. It will come to an end. Life will return to normal. The economy will make a rebound. It’s not a matter of IF, but of WHEN. Since we can’t control the variable of when this will all be over, all we can control is our response to it. 

We firmly believe that the choices we make right now will dictate the success we see once COVID-19 is over.

We refuse to sit on the couch and sulk. That isn’t what we did to build our business and it certainly isn’t what will usher us through a global crisis. 

Instead, we’re focusing on things like what purchasing decisions will look like once life returns to normal. What will consumers be excited to spend their money on? One thing is certain – there will be a RUSH of spending once restrictions are lifted across the country. There will be so many in need of some ‘retail therapy’ after being cooped up at home for weeks on end. Will your brand be one to stand out for their attention? 

Remember, the decisions you make right now will dictate the success you see once COVID-19 is over.

We get that right now you are focusing on stopping the bleeding. Business currently feels like running triage in the Emergency Room. But you’ve got to start looking beyond the current circumstance and into what will be after it.

Will people spend money based on the cleanliness of a business because of mental scarring from all of this? Will the spend money on businesses that made an impact in the community during COVID-19 by providing help, resources, or leading initiatives? Will people flock to brands who create a celebration event to mark a return to freedom and normalcy?

THESE are the questions brands should be asking themselves right now. The questions YOUR brand needs to be asking right now. This is a unique opportunity to position yourself in a fresh way for the influx of spending that will take place in the near future. 

How will you take advantage of that opportunity, friend? How will you position your brand for success? Is it finally time to have those products professionally photographed? Are you putting together plans for the biggest celebration party ever planned? We’re in this together, and we can’t wait to thrive with you on the other side. Share your ideas with us below!

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