Halloween 2017

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We absolutely LOVE the fall season! Seriously, it’s an all-around Hayes family favorite! Maybe it’s because the hot desert sun finally starts to let it’s foot off the throttle and allow some cooler temperatures! Or, maybe it’s because Brody and Paislee are miniature candy connoisseurs like we are and smell the fall treats in the air! We love fall so much, we put together our top five favorite fall traditions! But one thing that is new for us is having kids old enough to be crazy excited about Halloween!!

Brody has always been easily excited at the idea of parties and surprises, so Halloween is totally his game! OK maybe not totally his game, because he can tend to scare easily! But bring up the idea of dressing up and going to collect candy around the neighborhood, and you’ve got him hooked! And of course, Paislee thinks that anything Brody likes is cool for her too (which works for and against us!!)

We both grew up with Halloween being something we did but not really a holiday we celebrated in the same way as other fall holidays like Thanksgiving. We both had mom’s that made our costumes more often than we bought them at the store. Jon remembers his mom making him an astronaut costume out of boxes, dryer vents, and metallic spray paint! Erica’s mom repurposed her own high school cheer uniforms for her and her sister as well – so being a little DIY runs in our blood! 🙂

This year was our first year really getting into it and making Halloween costumes for our kids! It took us a while, but we finally got the kids to settle on what they wanted to dress up as. (It took talking Brody out of being a hot dog and into something a littler cooler, but we got there!) Jon usually takes care of getting Brody for school during the week, and one morning thought he’d spike all Brody’s hair up in the process of combing it over for school. Brody thought it was the coolest thing he’d even seen, and has since been coming home from school, going into his bathroom and spiking his own hair! So when it came time to pick out his costume, being a rockstar for Halloween was the only thing that fit! He got crazy excited at the idea of spiking and coloring his hair blue and carrying around an inflatable guitar for the night!

Paislee couldn’t decide for the life of her what she wanted to be! She would assure us so matter-of-fact-ly that she wanted to be Minnie Mouse, then change her mind and with just as much assurance tell us that she wanted to be Princess Poppy from the movie Trolls. Erica thought it would be more fun to make a Princess Poppy outfit, so we helped coach her in that direction! We found a blue t-shirt and felt to make the dress, and some tulle for the troll hair! We may be slightly biased, but we think it turned out adorable!

And since we couldn’t be left out of the fun, we dressed up too! Erica has literally been mistaken for Joanna Gaines from the HGTV show Fixer Upper more times than she can count. We once had a friend’s little guy freak out seeing the Gaines’ book cover (which features Joanna on Chip’s back) asking why in the world Erica was on another man’s back!! So naturally, we decided to honor the Gaines’ by being their doppelgängers for the night!!

We hope you enjoy these fun photos of our kids!
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